Create a Community Splits Contract using SHARE UI
This guide provides step by step instructions for creating a community splits smart contract that can receive and split earnings on blockchain.
Last updated
This guide provides step by step instructions for creating a community splits smart contract that can receive and split earnings on blockchain.
Last updated
Go to the SHARE dashboard at and press the Create button on the top right.
Select Make Payments to Your Community. Here, we're going to create a smart contract that can receive payouts and fractionalize them among a large group of payees.
Enter the following details:
Join this smart contract to share revenue with me on my new release. There are 10 splits available.
Creator Name
You can leave everything else as the default value.
Enter the value 0.10 in the Distributions field. This specifies the payout increment for payees. In this case, payees will be notified for every $0.10 earned.
Press Create. After a minute or so, your smart contract will be created and ready for use. You can tap the View Standalone Splits Link button to see the shareable link that artists can distribute to fans in order to receive splits.
Go to Assets. You'll see the latest contract at the top of the list. Copy the ID value and save it in a notepad. This ID is the value your customers will use as a payee for royalty splits at royalty split creation time.
Done! You now have a smart contract that can act as a payee for royalty payouts within your distribution stack.